A.J. Charles

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010-Making the Time

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” ― Charles Darwin

We’re going to take a different approach today.

I want to say hello. I have topics I intend to write and share my thoughts about in order to hear your own, but I’m not at a place where those things feel relevant to discuss. So, I feel the need to check in, instead.

I believe I’m in the midst of change. After finishing my first novel draft, creating this fine website you’re on, editing a second, third, and possibly fourth time, I came roaring into November ready to get beta readers on board and working on a new manuscript. Even absent any official NanoWriMo activities, I had one day in November where I wrote six-thousand words, only to follow it up with ordering proof copies of my novel, getting packages ready for readers.

Literally multi-functional.

I not-so-secretly now believe I burnt myself out. Even though that day I wrote 6000 words was one of my favorite days ever as a writer. And personally, some of the best shit I’ve ever written. Perhaps if that manuscript ever sees the light of day, I’ll reveal what scene(s) that day included. It was memorable.

We all need our own time, that’s part of what makes writing so great and deeply personal. After that stretch, and I’m thinking this would hold true to most people, I required non-writing time to myself. The holidays came, which I knew I’d step back from creating for a bit. The problem was that mindset hasn’t stopped.

It took a lot to step away from writing for a bit, except for a few pages of editing, a blog post, or a hundred words here and there.

The problem is it’s taking a lot to step back towards the screen…

And I 100% turn it based on what I’m doing.

…and that’s okay.

Seriously. I swear I’ll write more. Promise. Tomorrow. Maybe. (Kidding—I think)

February is coming to a close. I have a lot going on in the upcoming months, and I’m wondering if a hard, long second half of 2021 (albeit smooth) finally did me in. Knowing I have to read my novel for potentially the fifth time in six months while adding a whole new element to the story that will run throughout was NOT on my mental docket over the last few weeks. So, I didn’t. Yolo, as the kids say—if they’re not kids any more.

Besides, Horizon: Forbidden West is a fucking joy.

Like Jerry Springer, I have a Final Thought: Give yourself a reprieve when you feel the need to and the grace to not feel guilty about it, but never forget to remind yourself of the reward that comes with engaging in your creative works. You’ll have to force yourself back to the desk the same way you had to force your way elsewhere from it.

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts, or just say hello! What have been your biggest speed bumps? Do you manage your time away from creating? Comment below (no log-in, password, or website needed if it asks), or reach out to me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter at ajcharleswriter.

If you’d like to be featured in a discussion about your own writing and creative projects, reach out to me!